Mobilna radijska postaja Motorola DM4601E
Kataloška številka: DM4601E
Radijska postaja Motorola DM4601E je zasnovana za profesionalne uporabnike, ki ne iščejo kompromisov glede dobre povezanosti ekipe, njene produktivnosti in varnosti.
Odlikuje jo vgrajen kakovosten zvočnik, priložen robusten mikrofon in barvni LCD prikazovalnik, ki je odlično viden in berljiv tudi na soncu.
Na postaji najdemo tipke za hitro pomikanje po uporabniku prijaznih menijih, LED indikator stanja postaje.
Motorola DM4601E ima že vgrajen Bluetooth vmesnik, Wi-Fi in GNSS (GPS in GLONASS).
Mobilna radijska postaja Motorola DM4601E je profesionalna ročna radijska postaja.
Za lažjo oziroma optimalnejšo uporabo ima ročna radijska postaja Motorola DM4601E na voljo naslednje dodatke (mikrofoni, …)
Best-in-Class Audio
Loud front facing speaker and Intelligent Audio feature that automatically adjusts the radio volume according the environment’s noise level
Productivity Enhancing Data Applications
Features the industry’s largest application developer program to enable a wide variety of customised applications including: location tracking, work order ticket management, Bluetooth data, email gateways, dispatch, telephony and man-down

Mobilna radijska postaja Motorola DM4601E
Capacity Plus
Single-site digital trunking system that maximises the capacity of your MOTOTRBO system. Use it to enable a high volume of voice and data communication for over a thousand users at a single site
IP Site Connect
A digital solution that uses the internet to extend the voice and data capabilities of MOTOTRBO. Use it to link up to 15 sites for communication among geographically dispersed locations, to create wide area coverage or enhance coverage at a single site with physical barriers
Mobilna radijska postaja Motorola DM4601E
Emergency Button
Orange P4 button can be optionally programmed to send an alert to a supervisor or dispatcher during an emergency situation
Transmit Interrupt
Enables a user to interrupt another radio conversation to deliver critical communication exactly when and where it’s needed.
Basic or Enhanced Privacy
Built-in scrambling for increased security (Programmable)

24-mesečna garancija velja le na radijsko postajo in ne na dodatke (polnilec, antena, zaponka za pas) ki so v paketu.
Ocene ATEX:
Plin: Razred II 2G Ex ib, IIC T4 Gb, IECEx: Ex ib IIC T4 Gb
Prah: Razred II 2D Ex ib, IIIC T130°C Db, IECEx: Ex ib IIIC, T130°C Db
Vsebina v pripravi.