Mobilna radijska postaja Motorola DM4600E
Kataloška številka: DM4600E
Radijska postaja Motorola DM4600E je profesionalna radijska postaja z možnostjo vgrajenega GPS-a in Bluetooth-a. Odlikuje jo barvni LCD prikazovalnik, ki je berljiv tudi na soncu in robusten mikrofon. Na postaji najdemo tipke za hitro pomikanje po uporabniku prijaznih menijih, LED indikatorje stanja postaje ter zvočnik.
Mobilna radijska postaja Motorola DM4600E je profesionalna ročna radijska postaja.
Za lažjo oziroma optimalnejšo uporabo ima ročna radijska postaja Motorola DM4600E na voljo naslednje dodatke (mikrofoni, …)
Intelligent Audio
Radio volume automatically adjusts to compensate for background noise so workers don’t have to adjust their radio volume to avoid missing a call in loud situations or disturbing others when they move into quiet places.
Over the Air Programming (OTAP)
Manages, writes and reads up to 5,000 radio configurations over the air.

Mobilna radijska postaja Motorola DM4600E
Systems Capability
Experience the far-reaching coverage of MOTOTRBO. IP Site Connect uses IP networks to extend the system to create wide-area coverage. Capacity Plus single-site trunking expands capacity to over 1000 users and Linked Capacity Plus combines both to give a wide area, high capacity trunked network.
Text messaging and Work Order Ticketing simplify complex communications, and data capabilities support advanced applications. DM4000e Series radios are also ideal as a dispatcher solution, with desktop microphones and a rugged, durable design for everyday use.
Mobilna radijska postaja Motorola DM4600E
Bluetooth audio lets you talk without wires, integrated Wi-Fi enables remote software updates and indoor and outdoor location-tracking capabilities give you total visibility of your resources. With support for trunking as well as legacy analogue technology, you can keep your organisation connected as it grows.
Safeguard your staff with responsive push-to-talk technology. The quick access buttons on DM4000e Series radios can summon help with one touch, using Transmit Interrupt to clear a channel when necessary. A range of safe driving accessories allows your workers to communicate hands-free and text-to-speech technology helps your drivers keep their eyes on the road.

- 24-mesečna garancija velja le na radijsko postajo in ne na dodatke (baterija, polnilec, antena, zaponka za pas) ki so v paketu.
- 12-mesečna garancija velja na baterijo, polnilec, anteno, zaponko za pas (ob uporabi po priporočilih proizvajalca).
Splošne specifikacije:
- Število kanalov: 1000
- Anlogno-digitalen način delovanja
- IP54
- Frekvenčno področje: VHF (136-174 MHz) in UHF (403-470 MHz)
- Moč: VHF (1-25 W, 25-45 W), UHF (1-25 W, 25-40 W)
- Napetost: 12 V
- Temperatura delovanja: -30°C / +60°C
- GPS: Ne
Dimenzije radia:
- 53 x 175 x 206 mm
Teža radia:
- 1,8 kg
Sprejemnik/ Oddajnik:
- Širina kanalov: 12.5 kHz / 20kHz / 25 kHz