Diskretni sistem alarmiranja Swissphone (Kopija)
Majhen gumb za klic v sili z velikimi učinkom je tvoj osebni stražar.
Glavne lastnosti
- Hitro poslan tihi alarm.
- Primeren in prilagojen za veliko število uporabnikov.
- Preprosto pošiljanje dogodka ali lokacije.
- Hitreje kot klicanje ali pošiljanje sporočil.
- Izjemno dolgi čas delovanja baterije.
- Enostavna inštalacija po stenah.
- Alternativni komunikacijski kanal BLE, obstoječemu mobilnemu omrežju.

Employee safety
Studies show need for action – protect your employees
A resulult of the NHS Staff Survey of 2020, with 569.000 attendies, shows that staff morale has improved across the NHS. According to the survey, the most common consequences include insomnia, stress and the desire to change jobs.
The recently presented study by the German Civil Servants’ Association of Hesse and the University of Giessen also comes to a sobering conclusion: everyday working life for employees in the service of society is becoming increasingly rough. Police, rescue workers, politicians, prison officers, teachers, bailiffs, employees of the employment agency, the social welfare office, public transport companies and waste disposal offices are increasingly experiencing psychological violence in the form of insults, coercion or threats as well as physical violence in the form of physical attacks.
In view of this worrying development, the question arises: What measures can be implemented as quickly as possible in order to sustainably increase the safety of employees?
Employee safety
Complete solution for threat situations from a single source
From the triggering device, the SOS-Button, to indoor localisation via SOS-Beacons and alarm forwarding via SOS-Gateway (LAN/WLAN or mobile radio) to the SOS-Portal, the Swissphone SOS solution is a complete, self-contained,web-based redundant emergency call platform. The solution receives alarms, processes them automatically and forwards them – via SMS, the SOS-Mobile app, e-mail or automatic voice calls by telephone. The emergency call system logs all events for complete traceability. Alarm processing is now also possible in a decentralised manner: the SOS-Mobile App enables secure alarm processing while on the move – including building plans, medical information as well as step-by-step alarm plans.

Professional emergency call system.
The SOS-Portal is a web-based, redundant and platform-independent emergency call system to enable simple event processing. It offers the possibility of quickly and simply making contact with auxiliary persons and similar, of processing the alarm in accordance with a predefined rescue process and of documenting it.
The SOS-Portal visualises the localisation of the accident victims. It shows the position of outdoor accident victims on a map (outdoor localisation). The positions of people waiting for help within a building are shown on a map of the building (indoor localisation). The statuses of the personal emergency call devices are also visualised. If necessary, emergency calls can also be automatically transmitted to the appropriate auxiliary persons and escalated – by SMS, paging, other TRIO personal emergency call devices, spoken notifications (text-to-speech) and the SOS-Mobile App. The last three possibilities allow message notification, or its automatic escalation. The operation of our SOS-Portal requires no hardware or software installation.
The SOS solution is certified according DIN VDE 0825-11. This allows lone worker protection defined by DGUV rule 112-139 from Germany (formerly BGR-139). This solution conforms to Swiss SUVA regulations.
The smart emergency call triggering for every situation.
In critical situations, a silent alarm can be easily and quickly triggered with the SOS-Button. It is transmitted by Bluetooth (BLE) to the corresponding SOS-Gateway, and from there to the SOS-Portal.
Through the personal information, the correct measures will be immediately and automatically instigated, such as the notification of third parties for example or the mobilization of security or ambulance services. The SOS-Button allows stationary and mobile applications. When using the SOS-Beacon, it is possible to transmit position data that is precise within a metre for the localisation of the person calling for help, in real time. Alarms can have different meanings by pressing the SOS-Button with different frequencies. In the example, pressing the SOS-Button once can mean a test alarm, whereas pressing it three times in a row can mean an alarm.